Wednesday, February 8, 2017


Chapter One
1.) What does Nick tell us about himself in the beginning of the book?
2.)What does Daisy hope for her daughter? Why do you think she wants that for her?
3.)What does Gatsby do at the end of the chapter?
Chapter Two
1.)Who does Nick meet?
2.)What does Tom do near the end?
Chapter Three
1.)What were some rumors about Gatsby?
2.)How did Nick meet Gatsby?
3.)Where did Jordan go near the end of the party?
Chapter Four
1.)What does Gatsby tell Nick about himself?
2.)What happened when Nick introduced Tom to Gatsby?
3.)What did Jordan tell Nick to do?

1 comment:

  1. Chapter one
    1. In the beginning of the book Nick tells us that he does not pass judgement towards people. And that he got it from his father. He also tells us that he is from a middle class.
    2. Daisy hopes that her daughter is a beautiful fool. I think that she wants her daughter like this because she doesn't want her to go through the pain she went.
    3. At the end of the chapter Gatsby vanishes and nick was alone in the unquiet darkness.
    chapter two
    1. Nick meets Toms mistress Mrtyle Wilson.
    2. Near the end Tom broke Mrs.Wilson's nose with his open hand.
    Chapter three
    1. some rumors were that Gatsby killed a man, a bootlegger, a German spy, and went to Oxford
    2. Nick met Gatsby through the lavish parties that he always throws.
    3. Near the end of the party Jordan went to the plaza with nick and then the central park.
    Chapter four
    1. Nick tells Gatsby that he was born in a mid western family. And went to school in Oxford. And when his family died he inherited his families wealth. And lived like a Rajah. And when he lived in Europe WW1 began and he served as lieutenant.
    2. When Nick introduced Tom to Gatsby, Gatsby knew who hes was. The man that is with Daisy, who he still loves.
    3. Jordan told Nick to invite Daisy for tea.
