Thursday, April 20, 2017

Pre-writes for AP prompts

Prompts I will be using:
1. From talk radio to television w, to popular magazines to Web blogs ordinary citizens, political figures, and entertainers express their opinions on a wide range of topics. Take a position on the value of such public statements of opinion.

2. Many high schools, colleges, and universities have honor codes or honor systems: sets of rules or principles that are intended to cultivate integrity. These rules or principles often take the form of written positions on practices like cheating, stealing, and plagiarizing as well as on the consequences of violating the established codes. Based on six sources, synthesize information from at least three of the sources and incorporate it into a coherent, well-developed argument for your own position on whether your school should establish, maintain, revise, or eliminate an honor code or honor system.

3. Many recent college graduates have faced record levels of unemployment. This situation has led people to question what they value about higher education. Some high school students and their parents are wondering if a college education is worth the cost. Others, however, believe that a college education prepares students for more than just a job or career. Based on six sources concerning the value of a college education. Synthesize information from at least three of the sources and incorporate it into a coherent, well- developed essay that evaluates whether college is worth its cost.

1.  Thesis: People in the public eye are followed by many so they have an opportunity to get a message spread out. A lot of public figures use that opportunity for good and try to better the world with their opinion. Since they have a wide following, their message would be seen by many and will result in people talking about their opinion.

I. Public figures can influence a lot of people's opinions
politics (who to vote for, what should be enforced, environment, etc.) , views on morals, life styles (discipline, book recommendations, new ways of improving yr self)

II. They can spread the word/make things known
(woman's rights, news, events/movements)

III. Gets everyone forming their own opinions. Opens minds. Gets people involved.

2. Thesis: Many schools have a honor code which enforces no cheating and are meant to "cultivate integrity". However, anyone who has integrity don't cheat because they take pride in their work. People who don't care about honor cheat regardless of any set of rules because that's who they have become and most likely won't change. Therefore honor codes should be eliminated because cheaters are going to cheat anyways.

I.People may think punishing cheaters will give them discipline. They have done it before and most likely will do it again. They already know it is wrong to plagiarize. That is why the keep it on the dl. Yes plagiarizing is wrong, but having an extremely strict honor code isn't going to be enough to change behavior.

II. Honor codes effect non-cheaters in a negative way as well. Encouraging students to report cheating gives the student unwanted stress. It is not their job to be a patrol and their peers can have tension with them.

III. Cheating is inevitable. There is so much information now with new technology that it is harder to catch plagiarizers.

3. Thesis: I'm a strong believer in any situation you're in, anyone you talk to, and anything you read you learn something new. If you can't benefit from that information now, you can later in life. There is so much things to learn and any information gained isn't a waste. So even if college doesn't guarantee a great job, it is definitely worth the cost.

II. The info you learned whilst going to college may help you get a good job later in life. Can always go back when stable and get a higher degree.

II. Makes you a smarter person bc you gained information. You can never stop learning. Maybe tips on gardening or reading music. You wouldn't have learned all tht if it weren't fr college.

III. It can help you find a passion. Sure you didn't get a good job out of it but you found something interesting that you thought you would never like and can pursue that instead. (cooking, photography, pics, maybe even main subjects like science)

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