Monday, August 29, 2016

Vocab list #2

intercede- intervene on behalf of another
The mom interceded in the argument her children were having.

hackneyed-a phrase that is overused or is a stereotype
Now a days the word "literally" has become hackneyed. 
approbation-approval or praise
 I can go to the concert with my parents' approbation.
innuendo- An allusive remark or hint that gives off the wrong idea
Everything Tom says is innuendos and some people find that funny while others don't.
coalition-a group formed to gain an advantage 

Sometimes buisnesses form a coalition to get more customers. 
elicit-to draw out or bring forth
The stage actor hoped his performance would elicit a grand aplause from the audience.
hiatus-a period of the time something is stopped

After finals week, a well derved hiatus is awaited from the students. 
assuage-to provide relief 

To assauge Alexa's headace, she took a pill.
decadence-state of moral or artistic decline

The blue quilt are cloth decadence.
expostulate-to express strong disagreement 

My sister would expostulate her opinion if I made any suggestions on what to watch on tv.
simulate-to replicate an image or behavior

Some people use apps that simulates sounds which helps them fall asleep at night.
jaded-depleted with excitement or enthusiasm 

After the delayed and long flight, Sam was feeling a bit jaded and did not want to fly again.
umbrage-to take/find something offensive
prerogative-a special right or privlage 

Since Sally was manager at Taco Bell, she had the prerogative to discounts whenever she wanted free food.
lurid-full of unpleasent details ment to shock or interest people.
transcend-to exceed the limits of something
provincial-concerning a provence of a country

The clothes she used to wear in the small town where provencial to the ones from the big city.
petulant-to describe something irritable 

The petulant little boy was annoyed by evereything.
unctuous-not expressing true feelings

Politicians tend to be unctuous when delivering a speech.
meritorious-deserving of rewards or praise

The gold medal was the olympians' most meritorious reward.

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