Tuesday, September 27, 2016

When Logic Fails

Favorite Logicical Fallacies:
Argumentum ad hominem-
Example: Trump uses Argumentum ad hominem by calling Hillary "crocked" and other nicknames instead of bringing a valid point in an argument. 
Argumentum ad emphasizes-
Example: This can be very affective and affect people a lot. An example is those sad commercials with the dogs and cats in the shelter. 
Argumentum ad nauseam-
Example: Repetition. Just think about how Trump can't stop mentioning China and Mexico. 
Red herring-
Example:When someone changes the subject in an attempt of avoiding the question.
Slippery slope-
Example:A point that would lead to a chain reaction that have no end. 
Straw man-
Example: Think of a little kid tattling on their sibling and exaggerates what their sibling said so they can get in trouble. 
Argumentum ad emphasizes-
Example: Last night Hillary tried to appeal to authority by promoting her book and websites. 
Argumentum ad numerum-
Example: This can be effective because it shows data and facts.
Argumentum ad ignorantiam-
Example:This is when an assemtion is made that something is true because it was never proven to be false.
Argumentum ad populum-
Example: When the crowd cheers at a point that is made.

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