Friday, March 17, 2017

15 answers to the questions about F451

1. The book starts off with Montag burning books because that's the time were he is happy and feels like is doing something productive for society. I think it is pleasurable for him because books are viewed as dangerous to all of society and his job is sort of saving society from that danger. Since he is doing that, he has a sense of purpose for helping the lives of many and he gets to be the destroyer of something bad.
2. I think books are compared to as birds in the opening scene is because birds are living beings that can feel pain and torture. Montag feels like he is torturing the books for being dangerous and that sort of gives him pleasure.
3. Clarisse is very talkative and curious about everything which is why she likes to ask a lot of questions. She does things outside the norm to the society she lives in. She doesn't go to school but stays home and enjoys nature. She comes home and has fun talking to her loving family while there is no technology in sight. She lives a very colorful life.
    Montag is the complete opposite of Clarisse. Montag goes to work and doesn't question anything.      He comes home to his wife who ignores him and didn't question if he loved her until after he met        Clarisse. He rarely talks to anyone due to the fact everyone he knows is distracted by technology.
   He lives a very dull life.
4. Technology has negatively impacted the lives of Montag and Mildred. Due to Mildred being obsessed with television\"the plays" and the seashells, she's being distracted and doesn't pay attention to anything or anyone around her. This affects her marriage with Montag because they don't have proper conversations with each other and she is looking for happiness in distraction.
5. The author choose to introduce us to Montag when he meets Clarisse because Clarisse's different personality opened the eyes of Montag and made him realize that he isn't happy with himself, he isn't in love, and things don't have to be the way they are. Bradbury is showing us how Clarisse influenced Montag to make some changes to his life. The reason why he shows us Mildred's overdose is because he is showing us what the society in the book is like. They look for happiness in the wrong things but still expect to find it. When they don't find it, they overdose.
6. Clarisse is introduced first because he first shows us how good a connection Clarisse can make with people. The he shows us Mildred, who is the complete opposite and is like everyone else in that society.
7. All the houses are fire proof because if firemen find books in a house they'll burn it, it'll burn for a few days and then the house will look like brand new.
8. Mildred requires emergency service because she overdosed on sleeping pills and she could barley breath when Montag found her. The service provided weren't doctors but technicians. They use a thing called a "special snake" to pump the stomachs of people who overdose.
9. The mechanical hound is a robot that has form\look like a dog and is programmed to stick a needle and kill whomever is breaking the law.
10. The society consider Clarisse as "antisocial" because she does not conform to what society wants her to be. She doesn't use technology, loves to interact with people, and likes to explore nature. She is the opposite of everyone else.
11. The woman lights the match because she is willing to die with her books however, Montag is nagging her to not to and the captain didn't think she'd do it. She believed in what she did.
12. Montag and Mildred's relationship is very rocky. Montag doesn't love Mildred. Mildred uses Montag as a wallet. They don't have proper conversations because Mildred doesn't like to be bothered when using technology(so all the time). It's like two strangers are living in the same house.
13. Beatty visits Montag because he can sense that Montag is starting to question his job and the "dangers" of books. (I put quotes around dangers because to me, it seems like that society sees books as something dangerous or evil.)
14. Beatty thinks school is useless if they don't teach people how to have fun and basic skills to sustain their lives. Teaching them academic stuff makes people "unhappy". The majority would just rather be entertained than learn. So basically Beatty thinks teaching kids academics causes people to feel discomfort and can make people feel like they're not smart.
I agree with Beatty on the part where he thinks regular school, like this high school, can give discomfort. Only because we are so focused on getting good grades and if we don't get them, we feel like maybe we aren't intellectual. However, I disagree with him on how school should be. School isn't for being entertained. Yes, school can be entertaining and you can still have fun but only if it all relates to learning about important things. Beatty doesn't want much learning to happen in schools.
15. Montag "feels fat" because of  his guilt of hiding books and starting to have different views the society has is weighing him down. Montag's conflicting thoughts on society's norms are piling up on top of each other and making him feel like he is gaining weight mentally.

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