Wednesday, November 2, 2016


How I would explain Emerson to a 10 year old:
Emerson is a guy who believed that adults are cowards, and kids like you are geniuses. This is because you guys say what's on your mind without hesitation or filter. Don't change that. That's how you're going to get what you want in life. Adults think too much, fear of getting judged by others so they keep their ideas to themselves, and don't say anything sometimes which results in not getting what you want. Now teenagers are classified in that sad category Emerson calls adults.  Also be yourself, I know you hear this many times but actually be yourself. If you like bows, keep wearing bows even if people tell you you're too old. If people tell you dress a certain way, don't dress the way they tell you to, Dress how you think expresses yourself or makes you happy. After all, you can only find happiness and peace within yourself and no one(or anything can bring you peace but yourself. That new toy or iPad would bring you happiness, but that happiness is temporary. New things come out everyday and it's never enough- you're going to want more and it would never bring you that internal happiness and peace us humans crave and desire. What you want to do in life is no one's business but yours. Do what you want in life. You're the only person who wakes up with you everyday and goes to bed with you everyday at night. What I mean is you're the only person that is with yourself 100% of the time so you can't depend on people to make you happy or you do things/help to make them happy all the time. It's not selfish to do the right thing for yourself. You have to because it's your life and no one else's To sum this all up: Speak your mind, ignore society's pressures, and look for happiness within yourself. This will attain you self reliance and even confidence. Don't loose your "I don't care what people think attitude" because that's what is going to  get you far in life. So basically stay the same. (:

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